DiscoverCoffee Break SpanishCBS 1.12 | Numbers, months, days and seasons
CBS 1.12 | Numbers, months, days and seasons

CBS 1.12 | Numbers, months, days and seasons

Update: 2009-01-2456


Lesson 12 introduces numbers, days, months and seasons. Please note that lesson 12 of Season 1 was originally known as lesson 112 of Coffee Break Spanish. We have renumbered the lessons of each season as lessons 1-40 to make things more simple for our listeners.

This season of Coffee Break Spanish features a total of 40 lessons, all of which will be included in the podcast feed. Just stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you’d like to benefit from video versions, lesson notes and bonus audio materials, you can access the premium version of Coffee Break Spanish in the Coffee Break Academy.

Don’t forget to follow Coffee Break Spanish on Facebook where we post language activities, cultural points and review materials to help you practise your Spanish. Remember - a few minutes a day can help you build your confidence in the language. Access the Coffee Break Spanish Facebook page here.

If you’d like to find out what goes on behind the scenes here at Coffee Break Languages, follow @coffeebreaklanguages on Instagram.

You can also check out our Coffee Break Spanish Twitter page and the Coffee Break Languages YouTube channel.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Comments (5)

Zeinab Mohammadkhani

enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre

May 4th

Zeinab Mohammadkhani

spring= la primavera summer= el verano autumn= el otoño winter= el invierno

May 4th

Zeinab Mohammadkhani

monday= el lunes tusday= el martes wednesday= el miercoles thursday= el jueves friday= el viernes saturday= el sábado sunday= el domingo

May 4th

Zeinab Mohammadkhani

eleven= once twelve= doce thirteen= trece fourteen= catorce fifteen= quince sixteen= dieciseis seventeen= diecisiete eighteen= dieciocho nineteen= diecinueve veinte= twenty thirty= treinta fourty= cuarenta fifty= cincuenta sixty= sesenta seventy= setenta eighty= ochenta ninety= noventa cien= hundred thousand= mil three hunderd= trescientos two hunderd= doscientos four hunderd= cuatrocientos five hunderd= quinientos six hunderd= seiscientos seven hunderd= setecientos eight hunderd= ocho cientos nine hunderd= novecientos four thousand five hunderd fifty three= cuatro mil quinientos cincuenta y tres

May 4th

Zeinab Mohammadkhani

number= el ńumero week= la semana month= el mes season= la estación year= año day=día today= hoy ahora= now

May 4th








Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

CBS 1.12 | Numbers, months, days and seasons

CBS 1.12 | Numbers, months, days and seasons